우리집 똥강아지...슈나우저(Schnauzer)

2008. 10. 12. 15:28

종류 : 미니어처 슈나우저(Schnauzer)
이름 : 거스
생일 : 2004/04/05
취미 : 베란다에서 일광욕하기, 내침대에서 자기
특기 : 밥먹기. 뛰어다니기.

따뜻한 햇빛쬐면서 앉아서 조는중.-_-;;;;;;.......
신선이 따로없다..
우리집 슈나는 귀가 토끼처럼 쫑긋하게 서있다.-_-;;;....ㅎ
보통 슈나는 귀가 앞으로 축 처진다...

내침대가 자기침대다......
베게도 베고 잔다.....할말이 없다....ㅎㅎㅎㅎ;;;;

그럼 슈나우저에 대해서 위키 설명을 볼까??ㅎ

A schnauzer (plural schnauzers) is a German dog type which originated in Germany in the 1400s and 1500s. The term comes from the German word for snout "Schnauze"'[1] because of the dog's distinctly furry muzzles. The type consists of three breeds: the giant, standard, and miniature schnauzer. The original schnauzer was of the same size as the modern standard schnauzer breed, and were bred as rat catchers, yard dogs, and guard dogs. The miniature schnauzer is the result of crossing the original schnauzer with affenpinschers and poodles. The giant schnauzer is the result of crossing the original schnauzer with Great Danes, Bouviers, and Collies; they were used to herd and drive cattle.

대충 요약하면..
슈나는 독일지방에서 1400년대부터 키우기 시작했다.
슈나는 크게 세종류로 나뉘는데 미니어처,스탠다드,자이언트 이다..
미니어처 슈나는 스탠더드 슈나우저에 아펜핀셔와 푸들을 교배해 소형으로 개량한 종이다.


The Official Standard of the Miniature Schnauzer describes temperament as "Alert and spirited, yet obedient to command. Friendly, intelligent and willing to please. They should never be overaggressive or timid." As such they tend to be excellent watchdogs. They are often guarded of strangers until the owners of the home welcome the guest, upon which they are typically very friendly to them. "Miniature Schnauzers are not by nature aggressive, as are some of their Terrier cousins. They should be relatively fearless. Once mature, the Schnauzer has a strongly developed territorial instinct. He is an ideal guard dog as he defends vocally rather than physically. ... A good Schnauzer will bark at anyone who may appear a threat to his home. ... Schnauzers are not random, incessant barkers. They are discriminating and intelligent guard dogs that assume this duty naturally."

The breed is generally good with children, recognizing that they need gentle play. Miniature Schnauzers are generally highly intelligent and easy to train. They are highly playful dogs, and if not given the outlet required for their energy they can become bored and invent their own "fun".

Schnauzers are highly prey driven (as benefits a ratting dog), and will attack other small pets such as birds and rodents. Many will also attack cats, but this may be curbed if the dog is raised with cats from a young age.

성격............이 한마디에 다 들어있다...highly playful dogs
놀기 좋아하는..쾌활한 녀석......100% 동감한다..
낙천적 활달하고 겁도 별로 없고 자기보다 큰개한테도 덤빌려고 한다.....근데 엄살은 심하다.-_-;;....
혼자서도 잘논다.-_-;;;;...............집안에서 혼자서 막 뛰어다니면서 논다....ㄷㄷ;;;
머리좋고 훈련시키기 쉽고..~


While generally a healthy breed, Miniature Schnauzers may suffer health problems associated with high fat levels. Such problems include hyperlipidemia, which may increase the possibility of pancreatitis, though either may form independently. Other issues which may affect this breed are diabetes, bladder stones and eye problems. Feeding the dog low- or non-fatty and unsweetened foods may help avoid these problems. All Miniature Schnauzers should have their ears checked regularly and dried out after swimming due to a risk of infection, especially those with uncropped ears.

건강은 머 뚱뚱해지는걸 조심하란다.ㅎㅎ;;;
하도 먹는것도 너무 잘먹어서.................적당히 먹여야 함.....

빨리 한국가서 보고싶네.ㅡㅋㅋ

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라이니 슈나이야기